For an amazing start

Embark on a journey of seamless integration

Our comprehensive workshop illuminates the way for expats, empowering them to embrace and excel in every aspect of their new cultural odyssey!

About Us

  • From one expat to another

    Over twenty years of experience were the cornerstone for developing unique workshop for supporting expats in the early stages upon their arrival in The Netherlands

    Understanding burdens firsthand of what a new life brings from new environemnt, culture, people and so much more - our aim is to help expats in their journey

What We Provide

  • Our unique workshop based on expat experience helps foster cultural understanding while providing valueable insights for everyday life in The Netherlands.

    Navigating administrative processes, creating networking opportunity, enhancing job performance - a small part of benefits expats will enjoy during eight online workshops.

    Smooth integration will elavate major stress while saving precious amount of time for expat getting settled.

    Read about benefits for Expats and benefits for Employers

Benefits For Expats

  • Join our unique integration workshop to gain the essential tools for success in your new country.

    From cultural immersion to administrative guidance, our comprehensive program covers all aspects of expatriate life.

    Learn to navigate bureaucratic processes with ease, develop cross-cultural competence, and forge meaningful connections within your community.

    With our support, you'll embrace your new environment confidently, paving the way for a fulfilling and enriching expatriate experience.

    Don't just adapt – thrive in your new cultural landscape with our workshop.

    Check all expat benefits

Benefits For Employers

  • By investing in our integration workshop for expatriates, employers unlock a wealth of benefits while leveraging company's brand advantage.

    Well-integrated expatriates contribute to a more cohesive and productive workforce, fostering innovation and collaboration, thereby strengthening the company's brand identity.
    Reduced turnover and higher employee satisfaction rates lead to significant cost savings for the company, further enhancing its reputation as an employer of choice.

    Additionally, expatriates who attend our workshop demonstrate increased cultural competence, enhancing the organization's global reputation and competitiveness.

    Check all employer benefits

Get In Touch With Us

Arnhem-Nijmegen, The Netherlands